People feel safe in Pomona.
Community Saftey Group
We meet on the 1st Wednesday of every other month at the Pomona Library @ 3:30 pm (Jan/Mar/May/July, etc.)
We aim to provide community members with resources and training aiming to reduce crime and violence in our community
Pomona Police Department, City of Pomona, Project Sister, Prototypes, House of Ruth, Foothill Family Services, Southern California Service Corps, Historical Society of Pomona Valley, PUSD, Pomona Host Lions, Day One Pomona, Pomona Valley Medical Center, residents.
Prepare Pomona:
We meet on the 1st Wednesday of every other month at the Pomona Library @ 4:30 pm (Jan/Mar/May/July, etc.)
We aim to provide community members with resources and training to lead neighborhood responses to emergency situations ranging from shootings to earthquakes.
PAIRS Program:
Parents Invested in Relationship Success. Mentoring and support for couples raising children.
Safe Dates Program:
With Pomona Unified School District (PUSD). Focus on reducing domestic violence
Heart Team:
Outreach to homeless individuals
Goals include increasing support to Pomona Youth, decreasing gang violence, increasing access to intervention services for substance abuse, sexual violence, sex trafficking.